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Space/Terrestrial projects – Calomel

R&D Projects

Space/Terrestrial projects

The scientific team of BBT – Materials Processing, Ltd. participated as a prime- or subcontractor in a series of technological contracts focused on the development of new optical and acousto-optical components for terrestrial and space use. These projects, often with international participants, have been supported by various governement or non-government institutions and support programs.


Calomel-Based TIR Optical AOTF breadboarding

ESA Contract No. 4000125370/18/NL/AR/ig

  • Breadbording of TIR Acousto-Optical tunable filter (AOTF)
  • Subsystem of the THETIS project (hyperspectral EO imager)
  • Emissivity measurement of the optical substrate
  • BreadBoard verification and qualification
AOTF BB with cooling block
Substrate diffractometry (ROTAN)
Configuration of Acoustic transducer
Thermal load in AO absorber

*The project was carried out under a programme of, and funded by, the European Space Agency


Development and test batch production of Calomel IR polarizer prototype with demonstration of the critical functions in relevant environment

ESA Contract No. 4000122834

  • Commercialization of the IR space/ground optical polarizers
  • Demonstrating the critical functions of the element in a relevant environment (TRL 6)
  • Improving the quality management process with new manufacturing systems and devices.
Shock load response for Calomel prisms (ANSYS)
Surface flatness validation (ZYGO)
Optimized housing for space polarizers
Hg2Cl2 optical prisms for polarizer test batch

*The project was carried out under a programme of, and funded by, the European Space Agency


Infrared Advanced Polarizer for Space and Other Applications 2

ESA Contract No. 4000125529/18/NL/AR/ig

  • Development and testing of new Calomel-based polarizers for space applications (LWIR).
  • Developmend and production of custom-designed optical imersion for Hg2Cl2 crystal optics
  • Development of AR coating for 2, 3-5 and 8-10um, validation for high-power systems (CO2, >15W)
Wavelength dependences of transmittances for selected polyurethane binders
Raytracing of Rochon polarizer
AR coating for 3-5 microns
Space protective housing for GF type

*The project was carried out under a programme of, and funded by, the European Space Agency

THETIS – phase 1

Thermal hyperspectral imaging system breadboard requirement definition and design

ESA Contract No. 4000116082/15/NL/PS/gp

  • Application study of hyperspectral imager for ground and space monitoring.
  • Core system based on Calomel AOTF for ultrafast spectral modulation.
  • Spectral range: 8-10 µm, Swath: 50 km @950 km GSD, spatial res. 0.15 km.
Sulphur dioxide detection by SEVIRI HSP system for volcano monitoring
Performances at 9 µm
Performances at 9 µm

*The project was carried out under a programme of, and funded by, the European Space Agency


Infrared Advanced Polarizer for Space and Other Applications

ESA Contract No. 4000110002/13/NL/PA

  • Development and testing of Calomel-based polarizers for MIR region applications.
  • Unique monocrystal system with a very high degree of polarization (ER > 1:30 000).
  • Study of new lossless and depolarization systems (scramblers).
Glan-Taylor polarizer
Polarizer breadboard assembly
Calomel polarizer prisms
Breadboard thermal-vacuum test cycling

*The project was carried out under a programme of, and funded by, the European Space Agency


Mid to near infrared infrared spectroscopy for improved medical diagnostics

FP7, Grant agreement no: 317809

  • Mid IR system for early cancer diagnosis and improved survival rates.
  • Bio-molecule fingerprint region study for „cancer marker“ absorption peaks.
  • Calomel AOTF system tested for >5 µm spectral range.


MINERVA system
Calomel AOTF substrates
Mid-infrared Spectroscopy/Bioimaging

*The project was carried out under a programme of, and funded by, the 7th Framework Programme


Development of quality Evaluation Methods for Calomel Optical Elements

ESA Contract No. 4000104863/11/NL/PA

  • Development of optical evaluation setup for Calomel optics – material quality validation.
  • Full test campaign of Calomel material for use in space environment (Gamma, Shock, TV, vibrations, etc.).
  • Development and testing of space protective housing for Calomel optical elements.
Design of Calomel protective housing
Prototype housing during vibration tests
Optical evaluation setup configuration

*The project was carried out under a programme of, and funded by, the European Space Agency


New acousto-optical device based on Calomel for hyperspectral imaging in space applications

ESA Contract No. 22896/09/NL/CBI

  • Calomel tested as a substrate for acousto-optical tunable filter for the first time.
  • Feasibility demonstration at 5 micrometer wavelength with spectral resolution of 2 cm-1.
  • Development of an innovative transducer and substrate design for effective AO matching.
Calomel AOTF breadboard
Critical Quasi-collinear Phase Matching
3D visualisation of acoustic propagation

*The project was carried out under a programme of GSTP and funded by the European Space Agency


Innovative acousto-optical systems in the Mid-infrared region

Projekt E!4244

  • Testing and procurement of new polishing and lapping systems for material processing.
  • Development of new processing techniques for Calomel optical elements.
  • Design and manufacturing of new crystal grow units for mercurous chloride monocrystal cultivation.
Growing crystal of Calomel
Crystal boule before processing
Polishing jigs

*The project was carried out under a programme of, and funded by, the Eurostars Eureka Programme