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Space payloads – Calomel

R&D Projects

Space payloads

The scientific and technological level of the BBT staff can be demonstrated by numerous successful space-oriented projects. BBT team has a long-term experience in the development of space devices for material research and crystal growth under microgravity conditions, started by with the development of first space furnace in late 80´s (at that time within Inst. of Physics, CAS).



Development and production of the programmable space crystallizer CSK-1 for material research in Space (operational on board MIR orbital laboratory from 1984 up to 2001). It was used for numerous experiments within the INTERKOSMOS program and ESA missions (MIR´92, EuroMIR’94 and others).


R&D  and manufacture of the programmable space furnace CSK-4/TITUS (1991-97) for the Euromir´95, MIR´97, MIR´99-PERSEUS and other missions. (In co-operation with ESA, DLR-MUSC, DARA, Humboldt Univ., CNES, Energija/MIR). Assistance in the training of astronauts to operate CSK-1 and CSK-4/TITUS furnaces to realize technological and materials experiments on board Space Station MIR.

Advanced TITUS MPP – Multi-purpose Platform

Developed for the International Space Station to be used for material science experiments under microgravity conditions by the broad international scientific community. It was designed for material experiments dedicated to solidification processes, crystal growth, diffusion, physical chemistry, etc. The following experimentation techniques could be applied: Bridgman, travelling heater method, gradient freezing, zone melting, isothermal processing (annealing, preparation of glasses, etc.), condensation and chemical transport, differential thermal analysis (DTA), directional solidification of multicomponent melts, polycrystalline, alloys, sublimation growth (PVT) and chemical vapor transport reactions, etc.


Principal investigator for the following projects: Morava I (1976-80, Soljut-Sojuz), Morava II (1986-88, MIR) and Morava III (1990-97, MIR) – non-equilibrium directional solidification of dielectric and super-conductive materials and semi-conductive glasses; CSK-3 (1989-90) and CSK-1 (1984-99) – H/W & S/W. Solidification of multi-component melts: research and development and manufacturing of H/W & S/W, preparation, realisation and evaluation of the ground-based, space and post-flight experiments.



Preparation, realisation and scientific evaluation of experiments of a recalescence of Ag-Ge alloys carried out on board the space station MIR by means of the CSK-1 furnace.(three-lateral co-operation of Germany (DLR-MUSC), Czechoslovakia and Russia).



Participation in the ground-based preparation, realisation and scientific evaluation of the German (DLR-MUSC) TES and TEST-TES experiments of a recalescence of alloys (realised on board MIR orbital laboratory using CSK-1 furnace).


Fallturm Bremen

Preparation, realisation and scientific evaluation of the non-equilibrium solidification experiments performed under conditions of a short-term free fall. (In co-operation with ZARM-University in Bremen, Germany.)


CSK-1A and CSK-1B

Research, development and manufacturing of the space furnaces for MIR-type and FOTON-type orbital laboratories. (In cooperation with Kayser-Threde, Germany.)



Research, development and manufacturing of the special space furnace for material experiments (Germany) on board of the MIR orbital laboratory (1995-1996). BBT also participated in ground-based preparation, H/W & S/W preparation of the experimental part.



Set of technological experiments on board MIR using the CSK-1C furnace (ESA, DARA, DLR-MUSC, BBT-Materials Processing, Energija). BBT participated in the ground-based preparation, H/W & S/W of the experimental part and testing in the orbital laboratory.



Set of technological experiments on board MIR using the TITUS/CSK-4 furnace (ESA, DARA, DLR-MUSC, BBT-Materials Processing, Energija, Humboldt Univ., Kayser Threde). BBT participated in the ground-based preparation, H/W & S/W of the experimental part.



German project (DLR-MUSC) – set of technological experiments on board MIR orbital laboratory using the BBT furnace CSK-4 (TITUS).


FrenchMIR’99 – Perseus

Set of technological experiments on board MIR using the BBT furnace CSK-4 (TITUS) – RSC ENERGIJA (Russia) and CNES (France).



Development of fast optical processors in space in cooperation with STIL, Ireland.


ISS damping platform development

Development for the International Space Station. Operations under deep microgravity conditions by reducing board effects (vibrations and micro-accelerations) which enables to reach extremely non-equilibrium conditions in fluids and to appoint the particular thermodynamic parameters (heat transfer, etc.).


Thermographic and DTA probes

Development of the thermographic probe with ten thermocouples. It can evaluate a temperature profile in the TITUS type furnaces. The differential thermal analysis (DTA) probe with six chambers was used for both the study of phase transitions in materials and an accurate calibration of absolute temperature scale.