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Advanced TITUS – Calomel

Space payloads

Advanced TITUS

The Advanced Tubular Furnace with Integrated Thermal Analysis Under Space ConditionsMultiPurpose Platform

Concept of Advanced TITUS MPP

Tubular furnace with 9 separated heater segments, diagnostic and functional modules supporting the following experimentation techniques:

  • Bridgman and gradient freezing methods
  • travelling heater method
  • isothermal processing

The facility is sub-divided into an experiment and electronic modules. The electronic module is accommodated in the board rack and attached to the furnace module. The Advanced TITUS was developed for the International Space Station ISS.

The Advanced TITUS MPP – Multi-purpose Platform has been designed for a wide spectrum of material science experiments like:

  • crystal growth, diffusion
  • differential thermal analysis (DTA)
  • physical chemistry
  • microgravity measurements etc.

Aerostatic damping system to reduce the board effects (vibrations, micro-accelerations, etc.).

Basic (furnace) version
Heater Individually controlled 2 wide, 7 narrow zones
Max temperature (°C) 1300 (optionally 1500)
Temperature resolution (K) ‹ 0.01
Temperature stability (K) ±0.05 – 0.03
Temperature setting accuracy (K) ‹±1
Gravitation 3-axis measurement
Frequency range of measurement 0.01 … 10 Hz
Measuring frequency (selectable) 1/60 … 200 Hz
Measuring resolution ‹ 5 µg
Sample Feeding velocity (mm/h) 0.01 to 21
Positioning accuracy (mm) ±0.01
Max. Temperature (°C) 1 250
Temperature gradient (K/cm) 30 – 70
Facility Parameters
Electronic module Volume (mm) 750 x 600 x 300
Mass (kg) 20
Experiment module Volume (mm) 1100 x 400 x 400
Mass (kg) 30
Voltage (volts) 28 ±2
Max. power (watts) 700
Average power (watts) 400
Advanced TITUS MPP BM-1 space facility
Advanced TITUS MPP BM-2 space facility
DTA probe contains four containers for either test or reference materials and is used for study of phase transitions.
TITUS space facility – scheme of key units
Approx. standard cartridge dimensions and exemplary sample container 
  • The heater assembly includes 9 symmetrically arranged segments: 2 wide  segments with 3 narrow ones in between and 2 narrow ones at each end – as shown above.
  • Each heater segment is individually temperature controlled – two thermocouples per segment are provided for measurement, control, and safety provisions.
  • A sample feeding drive is provided for both sample positioning and feeding. The feeding velocity covers the range from 0.01 to 20.8 mm/h, an additional fast positioning gear shall provide velocities of 2, 40 and 800 mm/min (feeding length is 480 mm).
9 segment heater assembly